Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Week 4- the final week

I have been sent home from RPA now. But felt like I needed to finish off my last week in RPA. In a brief overview here is what happened;
- I had many visitors
- Found the nicest custard tart at the bakery down the road from the hospital
- Found yummy Mexican in Newtown, that nice I had it 5 times in one week. I guess one of the perks of being pregnant, I have an excuse to 'need' certain foods over and over again
- Had some nice home made meals, made by Sam, Joey and Debbie
- On the weekend we went to Darling Harbour to the Polish festival. The food we had was nice (no idea what it is called). But the people were very rude and kept trying to push in. Ava had fun playing with the water fountains at Darling Harbour
- Monday my last day I got to enjoy and internal and external ultrasound

Home time
Monday the 7th of December the bell rang and it was time to finally go home. The past month has felt like one of the long school days that never ends.

All the doctors, midwives, and service staff were very nice at RPA and made the stay a lot more pleasant. I will give mention to the very cranky food service lady who had a hissy fit if I left my food tray on the chair. And if I didnt eat my fruit, she would put it on the table.

Anyways I am off. I guess now I will continue with my being home adventures
